You may download the camp registration form. This download requires the free Acrobat Reader plug-in to view.
Please enclose your non-refundable $100 deposit with this registration form by May 1, 2009.
- Late registration deposits made after
May 1st are $125.
- Early registration balances due by
June 1, 2009.
Make checks payable to Keith V. Goodman and send to:
238 SE 62 Avenue, Portland, OR 97215.
In the event that Keith Goodman must cancel the camp or your child is not accepted to
the camp due to maximum registration, you will receive a full refund.
This year's Main Camp is held at
Stites Performing Arts Center
17925 NE Glisan
Phone: 503-665-5155
Stites Dance Center was chosen as our Main Camp site this year
because of the size of the facility. Stites has four dance studios and a full
gymnasium. This will allow us to decrease class size and create a third level of
instruction. Classes this year will either be beginning, intermediate or advanced.
This larger facility also gives us the ability to offer three or four different disciplines
simultaneously. There is also a field and parking lot adjacent to the studio that offers
us a safe place for lunch and free time. This studio is a dream come true.